Sunday, January 24, 2010

Pink Posh

I'm in the process of booking a date for my maternity pics. I am using the most amazing photographer, you can all check out her blog at We are trying to coordinate a date in March so my tummy will be nice and big!!!

Here is just a sample of her work....Breathtaking!!!

I'll post some sneaks up after my session in March! Can't wait!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sweetums Diaper Bag

I am soooo excited!! I got my diaper bag in yesterday and I just had to show it off. It is so stylish, I am going to look like a hip mama!

Fun with Friends and My Growing Belly

We had a great time hanging out with some of our best friends during the Texas game. Of course we were all disappointed that Colt was injured and the Longhorns lost....but at least we had great friends there to comfort us ;) A big shout-out to Meredith and Heath for having us over! Here are some pictures of the festivities.

My beautiful friends and yummy food!

Tavia giving Baby River kisses!

Deirdre and Greg are also having a baby, she is due in about a week!!

Love you Honey Bunny!

23 Weeks Pregnant!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas 2009

We had a wonderful Christmas up in Dallas with E.Scott's family. It was nice to see his brother, Symbra, and our two neices Aruna and Annika. We don't get to see them very often because they live in North Carolina. E's parents were wonderful hosts and cooked us elaborate meals and waited on us hand and foot. It was very much appreciated and we always enjoy visiting them in Dallas! We didn't get to see my family this Christmas but they weren't ever far from my thoughts. E.Scott and I did some preliminary car shopping while we were there. We are thinking about getting a small SUV to give us more room for the baby and our puppies when we travel places. I'll post up some pics and let you know when we find one!

River is moving around in my belly so much. It is just the coolest feeling in the world to feel him toss and turn and kick me....even though sometimes it is my bladder he kicks! At my last appointment on December 29th, the doctor said his heartbeat was strong, my weight gain was right on, and I am still measuring about a week and a half ahead of the original schedule.

I started doing some online searching for a crib. I'll have to send out a picture when I find the perfect one! I did find the bedding that I want for the room. Here is a pic, let me know what you think!

Here are some pictures from our visit to Dallas:

My first White Christmas

E.Scott's parents got me this adorable maternity t-shirt!

Our silly neice Annika

Annika's lovely older sister, meet Aruna