Sunday, March 4, 2012

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Wow, how did I let so much time pass since my last post? Shame on me! Overall, since the last post things have been....calm. Calm is a great thing around the Ross house. River is doing great and talking more about more every day. On our way home from one of our favorite dinner spots, E.Scott and I were trying to count how many words River can say and it has to be around 40-50 words. He understands pretty much everything we say though.

We did have a neurology appointment with River yesterday and it went really well. Months ago, I was concerned that he may be having absence seizures because he would just stare off into space for 10-15 seconds randomly throughout the day. Of course the EEG that we had done came back normal as previously reported. The neurologist thinks River is doing great and he doesn't suspect that he was having absence seizures. He was very intrigued by Congenital Hyperinsulinism and even read up on it before seeing River. He was very happy with how River is doing and said he is right on track developmentally!

Since our last post, here are some of the fun things River has been up to:
Went to the San Antonio rodeo ground with grandma, grandpa, and daddy
Went to the New Braunfels Childrens Museum with mommy, daddy, and mimi (I highly recommend this place to all the mommies out there!)
Answering questions with "Yeah" or "No"
Being Independent and Inquisitive
We've had several play dates with other kiddos: Preston, Lily, and David
Playing his Drum Set every day (pictures to come) This is his absolute favorite thing to do

Here is a picture of River with his new friend Connor: