Sunday, November 6, 2011

Trick or Treat

River had his first experience with "trick or treating" this year. We took him to the neighborhood that I work in, Garlic Creek. One of my girlfriends, Meredith also lives there and we set up in her driveway to hand out candy. We took River around to some houses to trick or treat. Even though he can't say "trick or treat" or eat candy yet, it was all about the experience! Let me tell you, the homeowners go all out on Halloween! We saw house that were covered from end to end with Halloween decor including a haunted graveyard and orange stringed lights choreographed to Halloween music. One house served hot dogs and frito pie, had a flat screen tv set up showing a football game, and rented a bouncy house for the kids. River could not get enough of the bouncy house either. We reluctantly let him join the "older kids" as he attempted to stand up and jump...key word is "attempted"! He was bounced around like a little rag doll but still had a blast. He threw the biggest temper tantrum ever when it was time to get in the car and head home. All in all, it was a success! Here are some pictures of our future little golfer:

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