Sunday, October 30, 2011

Silent Sunday

 River is wearing a "Prayers for Ryan" bracelet. Ryan also has Hyperinsulinism and has been through so much. Please continue to pray for him and his family and read about his story:


  1. The last picture on today's post stopped me in my tracks....River is beginning to look more like a little boy in the face instead of a just little baby. It's always exciting to see growth, but at the same time I know in a few years we will look back one day and say oh, I wish River were just a year old so we could hold him and kiss his little chubby baby cheeks! So you tell him tonight when you kiss his little cheeks that one kiss is from Julie who misses him so much!

  2. He really is starting to look so grown up. It is just happening too quickly!! He's been so lovey dovey today. He has walked up to me several times and planted a big kiss right on my lips. I will make sure and give him a kiss from you tonight. We are taking him trick or treating in Garlic Creek and handing out candy from Meredith's driveway. Of course, we desperately wish you and Matt could be here to hand out candy with us. Can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks ;)
