Saturday, October 29, 2011

Austin Childrens Museum

River is feeling much better this week! He has so much energy, it is amazing. We have not been able to get him back to his usual feeding schedule though. He can only last about 30 minutes in between feeds or his blood sugar drops fast ;( He also continues to try new foods and puts pretty much everything in his mouth (markers, dog food, foam). We really have to watch him closely now.

On Thursday, we met up with my good friend Autumn and her precious son Dean for a play date at the Austin Children's museum. 

Afterwards we got some Yogurt and yummy toppings. We all had a great time! They had a dinosaur exhibit and lots of cool play areas for the kids. 

Here are some pictures of baby Dean, he is 10 months old: 

River and Dean had a lot of fun playing with the slide:

My girlfriends and I did some pumpkin carving/cupcake decorating this week. I carved an owl for River:

Thanks Pinterest for the adorable owl cupcake idea:

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