Saturday, October 1, 2011

Things I love about you

At 17 months old, here is a list of all the things you do that I just love.

LOVES story time and reading Pajama Time and Goodnight Moon every night
LOVES waving and blowing kisses at everyone he sees
Running full speed (it is amazing those little legs and can move that fast)
Runs from us when he knows it is time to put on his backpack
Is so independent and wants to help with every task
knows how to make many animal sounds, the chicken being his favorite!
Knows over 20 hand signs
Can problem solve (he took his rocking chair from one room into another to climb onto our guest bed)
Is not shy in public and loves people
Tries to sign (more like a scream) and loves to dance, especially to Kesha
Loves to do everything he is NOT supposed to do, like grabbing handfuls of kitty litter and throwing it everywhere!
Says Mama and Dada every ten minutes

This week has been a busy one. River had a lingering cold so we decided to take him to the doctor and sure enough he has an ear infection. I knew something was going on when his blood sugar started running unusually low (in the 50's). So we got him some yummy antibiotics and he is already feeling much better. Good thing for mom and dad because we had a long string of sleepless nights. Sick baby = Sleep deprived mom and dad.

I also took River for a little outing to Cabela's. It had been months since he's been and even before we made it to the aquarium, he started signing fish...he is one smart kid! Here are some pictures from our excursion:

We also watched our friend, Jeannie and Chris's dog for a week and River just loved him. He would give him big hugs and kisses every day, several times a day!  

I think he loved the kennel as much as he loves Woody

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