Friday, October 7, 2011

Low Blood Sugar ;(

River has been having some low blood sugar readings over the past 3 days (in the 50's which is extremely low!). We aren't exactly sure why which can be extremely frustrating! I took him to the doctor this morning because he has been running a low grade fever and wanted to get him checked out. He had an ear infection last week and is just finishing up the antibiotics.  I began to wonder if the antibiotics didn't work and that is the reason for the low blood sugar. The doctor said it looks like his ear infection is getting better and he potentially could have a cold virus. I'm not sure about that though because he hasn't had a runny nose or cough. He has been acting completely normal. Oh, the ups and downs of this disease;( Sometimes it is hard to pinpoint exactly what is causing them. Hopefully he starts to improve soon. Otherwise, off to the endocrinologist we will go. Please keep him in your prayers this week!

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