Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Half Way There!

As promised, I have some pics of my belly. I can't believe I am half way through already. Time is just flyin on by!

We are leaving tonight to head to Dallas. We are spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with E.Scott's family. Our car is packed to the max with gifts, sweets, luggage, and on top of all that the dogs are coming too! I just love this time of year because we get to spend time with family and friends that we don't get to see as much as we like. My favorite part of all is giving gifts. Receiving gifts is good too, but it doesn't even come close to the feeling I get when someone just LOVES what I got for them! I hope that each and every one of you has a PERFECT CHRISTMAS, you all deserve it! I love you all! And I already love baby River sooo much and can't wait until next Christmas when he will be out of my tummy and in my arms ;)

One More....

E.Scott's dad is really excited that we are having a boy so he sent me some flowers and the note said "Way to go, Amber!"

My mom gave us our first little onsie...that is especially for Daddy!

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 18, 2009

It's a Boy!

I am 19 weeks as of today!!! Yesterday we went to have a sonogram done in North Austin. They did an anatomical scan to make sure all the organs like the brain, heart, pancreas are all in the right places and look healthy. The doctor said that everything looks great! We got to see all the fingers and toes which was exciting. The nurse also told me that the measurements of the baby are large enough for me to be 20 weeks today, but they still don't want to move up my due date of May 14th. I was hoping they would move it BACK 3 days so that the baby could be born on my mom's birthday, May 17th. We'll just have to wait and see when HE decides to make an appearance. Yesterday was also a huge day for us because we got to find out the sex of the baby and WE ARE HAVING A BOY!! This is what I felt all along. I even had dreams about having a little boy, a mother's intuition is usually right they say! E. Scott really wanted a girl, but he was happy either way just as long as the baby is healthy.

My belly is just growing and growing. I'll have to get E to take some more pictures tonight and post those up. But for now, here is a picture of our little baby River.

This is the moment we knew we had a boy.....a picture of the baby's bottom

The top pictures shows one of his hands, the second is of his face and belly, and the third is a picture of his spine!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

My growing tummy at 17 weeks!

E.Scott finally took some pictures of my belly last night. It is just growing like crazy lately. I went and bought some maternity work pants last night because I can't fit into any of my pants anymore! I had my "hair did" yesterday so that is why it is straight in these pictures. Lanna always straightens my hair and then cuts it, I really like having it straight for a couple of days. It's nice to change it up every once in a while.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

16 week check up

This is officially my first post. I was very slow in getting this thing going. It took a while to really set in that , Yes! we are having a baby. So without further ado, here is my blog......

Yesterday was our 16 week check up and everything is looking great so far! It's just amazing to look back at the sonogram picture from a month ago. The baby has just about tripled in size! The doctor got a good picture of the heart and said that our baby has a very strong heart <3 It's always relieving to hear things like that. She also gave us the pre-liminary results of our genetic testing and we only have a 1 in 10,000 chance that they baby will have down syndrome or trysomy 18, which is great news, yipee!!!

So this was the appointment I was really hoping we would find out the sex of the baby. I had been counting down the days.....But I guess the baby wasn't ready for us to know just yet. The doctor said his/her legs were crossed and she couldn't get a clear picture. We'll have to wait another couple of weeks until we get the anatomy scan done. I'm sooo excited about the sonogram for the anatomy scan because we can bring a blank VHS (yes, VHS!) and record the whole thing. Good thing we still have an old VCR that still works! They did say that Walgreens can convert the VHS into a DVD. I can't wait to show everyone our little one in action ;)

I'll try to scan our sonogram pictures tonight and also get E.Scott to take a picture of my belly. It really popped out over the last week!!