Sunday, October 30, 2011

Silent Sunday

 River is wearing a "Prayers for Ryan" bracelet. Ryan also has Hyperinsulinism and has been through so much. Please continue to pray for him and his family and read about his story:

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Austin Childrens Museum

River is feeling much better this week! He has so much energy, it is amazing. We have not been able to get him back to his usual feeding schedule though. He can only last about 30 minutes in between feeds or his blood sugar drops fast ;( He also continues to try new foods and puts pretty much everything in his mouth (markers, dog food, foam). We really have to watch him closely now.

On Thursday, we met up with my good friend Autumn and her precious son Dean for a play date at the Austin Children's museum. 

Afterwards we got some Yogurt and yummy toppings. We all had a great time! They had a dinosaur exhibit and lots of cool play areas for the kids. 

Here are some pictures of baby Dean, he is 10 months old: 

River and Dean had a lot of fun playing with the slide:

My girlfriends and I did some pumpkin carving/cupcake decorating this week. I carved an owl for River:

Thanks Pinterest for the adorable owl cupcake idea:

Sunday, October 23, 2011

So much Happening!

This is going to be a long post because so much has been happening over the past couple of weeks

First of all, River came down with a terrible stomach bug and he was just miserable. It lasted for about 8 days and boy were those 8 days, the loooooongest days ever! He was having diarrhea almost every hour and vomiting 4 times a day. No one got much sleep in the Ross house either. We were up either changing diapers or cleaning up vomit. His blood sugar was running low leading up to the illness and during so we  had to put him on a continuous feed just to keep his blood sugar levels stable.  River also got a terrible diaper rash and it got to the point where we had to dip him in a warm bath instead of using wipes to clean his little bum. He got around 8 baths a day. Did I mention we were all exhausted? Daddy, mommy, and grandma Becky all came down with the stomach bug too. Daddy got it Friday night, mommy got it Saturday night, and Grandma got it Sunday night. It was only a 24 hour bug for us but it was just terrible. We are all feeling much better now and thankful it passed quickly. River's illness ended in a trip to the ER after mommy noticed bright red blood in his diaper. After a blood draw and stool sample collections, we got the results of the labs and everything came back normal. They said the blood was from his intestines being so irritated after 8 days of diarrhea. I hope River never has to be admitted into the hospital because he couldn't sit still for a second in that ER room. He was literally bouncing off the walls, getting into everything, and making friends with all the doctors and nurses. You can't hold this boy down, even when he is sick! As of yesterday, River is feeling much better his poop is finally back to normal and everyone at the Ross house is getting some rest. We are just so thankful to get back to "normal". Well, our normal at least!

We also have some VERY EXCITING news to share! River is finally eating and interested in food. It is like a light just switched on his his little head! This started happening on Friday morning. I went to Sonic and got some french toast sticks and he was fussing and reaching out to grab one from me. So I gave him one and he carried it around all morning just sucking on it. Then at dinner on Friday night, he climbed up onto the table and Chili's and dipped a french fry into my ranch dressing. He sucked the ranch off of the fry and then started dipping his fingers in and licking it off! It was amazing to see. Eating seems like something we all want and love to do, but it never has been that way for River. Seeing him have the desire to eat and go back for more makes me want to jump up and down for joy!  Since then, he has eaten peanut butter and jelly and oatmeal!! I can't wait to start experimenting with more foods and see what else he will try! This is a HUGE milestone for him.

Here are some pictures of River enjoying his oatmeal this morning:

We also went down to the Pumpkin Patch in downtown Buda this morning. It was not easy getting a picture of River with the pumpkins because all he wanted to do was run around and explore everything but the pumpkins!

I added something new to River's playroom so we can display his artwork: 


Amber, River, and Daddy E

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Friday, October 7, 2011

Low Blood Sugar ;(

River has been having some low blood sugar readings over the past 3 days (in the 50's which is extremely low!). We aren't exactly sure why which can be extremely frustrating! I took him to the doctor this morning because he has been running a low grade fever and wanted to get him checked out. He had an ear infection last week and is just finishing up the antibiotics.  I began to wonder if the antibiotics didn't work and that is the reason for the low blood sugar. The doctor said it looks like his ear infection is getting better and he potentially could have a cold virus. I'm not sure about that though because he hasn't had a runny nose or cough. He has been acting completely normal. Oh, the ups and downs of this disease;( Sometimes it is hard to pinpoint exactly what is causing them. Hopefully he starts to improve soon. Otherwise, off to the endocrinologist we will go. Please keep him in your prayers this week!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Things I love about you

At 17 months old, here is a list of all the things you do that I just love.

LOVES story time and reading Pajama Time and Goodnight Moon every night
LOVES waving and blowing kisses at everyone he sees
Running full speed (it is amazing those little legs and can move that fast)
Runs from us when he knows it is time to put on his backpack
Is so independent and wants to help with every task
knows how to make many animal sounds, the chicken being his favorite!
Knows over 20 hand signs
Can problem solve (he took his rocking chair from one room into another to climb onto our guest bed)
Is not shy in public and loves people
Tries to sign (more like a scream) and loves to dance, especially to Kesha
Loves to do everything he is NOT supposed to do, like grabbing handfuls of kitty litter and throwing it everywhere!
Says Mama and Dada every ten minutes

This week has been a busy one. River had a lingering cold so we decided to take him to the doctor and sure enough he has an ear infection. I knew something was going on when his blood sugar started running unusually low (in the 50's). So we got him some yummy antibiotics and he is already feeling much better. Good thing for mom and dad because we had a long string of sleepless nights. Sick baby = Sleep deprived mom and dad.

I also took River for a little outing to Cabela's. It had been months since he's been and even before we made it to the aquarium, he started signing fish...he is one smart kid! Here are some pictures from our excursion:

We also watched our friend, Jeannie and Chris's dog for a week and River just loved him. He would give him big hugs and kisses every day, several times a day!  

I think he loved the kennel as much as he loves Woody